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Kahn T, La Marca E, Lötters S, Brown JL, Twomey E, Amezquita A (Editors) (2016). Aposematic Poison Frogs (Dendrobatidae) of the Andean Countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Conservation International Tropical Field Guide Series, Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA. 588pp.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

-66. Tackett M, Berg C, Simmonds T, Lopez O, Brown JL, Ruggiero R, Weber JJ. (2022) Breeding system and geospatial variation shape the population genetics of Triodanis perfoliata. Ecology and Evolution 12, no. 10 (2022): e9382.

-65. Muell MR, Chávez G, Prates I,  Guillory WX, Kahn TR, Twomey EM, Rodrigues MT, Brown JL. (2022) Phylogenomic analysis of evolutionary relationships in Ranitomeya poison frogs (Family Dendrobatidae) using ultraconserved elements. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 168 (2022): 107389.

-64. Guillory WG, Brown JL. (2021) A new method for integrating ecological niche modeling with phylogenetics to estimate ancestral distributions. Systematic Biology. PDF

-63.  Paz A, Brown JL et al. (2021)  Environmental correlates of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Journal of Biogeography PDF

-62. Brown JL, et al. (2020) Seeing the forest through many trees: multi-taxon patterns of phylogenetic diversity in

the Atlantic Forest hotspot. Diversity and Distributions. 26(9):1160-76. PDFDRYAD FILES

-61. Brown JL, Hill D, Haywood A. (2020). A critical evaluation of the Oscillayers methods and datasets. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 29(8):1435-42. PDF

-60. Muell MR, Guillory WX, Kellerman A, Rubio AO, Scott-Elliston A, Morales O, Eckhoff K, Barfknecht D, Hartsock J, Weber JJ, Brown JL (2020). Gaming natural selection: using board games as simulations to teach evolution.  Evolution. 74(3):681-5. PDF

-59. Guillory W, Brown JL, et al. (2020). Comprehensive phylogenomic reconstruction of the Amazonian poison frog genus      

 Ameerega using ultraconserved elements. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 106638. PDF

-58. Brown JL, Siu-Ting K, von May R, Twomey E, Guillory WX, Deutsch MS, Chavez GM (2019). Systematics of the Ameerega rubriventris complex (Anura: Dendrobatidae) with descriptions of two new cryptic species from the East-Andean versant of Peru.  Zootaxa. PDF

-57. Bernal XE, Rojas B, Pinto ME, Mendoza-Henao AM, Herrera-Montes A, Herrera-Montes MI, Franco AP, Brown JL, et al. (2019) Empowering Latina scientists. Science. 363 (6429), 825-826. PDF

-56. Prates I, Paz A, Brown JL, Carnaval AC (2019). Effects of prey turnover on poison frog toxins: a landscape ecology approach to assess how biotic interactions affect species phenotypes. Ecology and Evolution. PDF

-55. Brown JL & Carnaval AC (2019). A tale of two niches: methods, concepts, and evolution. Frontiers of Biogeography. PDF

-54. Berg CES, Brown JL, Weber JJ (2019).  An examination of climate-driven flowering time shifts at large spatial scales over 153 years in a common weedy annual.  American Journal of Botany. PDF

-53. French CM, Burkette C, Reichle S, Brown JL. (2019) The tadpole of Ameerega boehemei in southeastern Bolivia. Zootaxa.



-52. Garcia-Porta, Brown JL et al. (2019) Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards. Nature Communications. PDF

-51. Guillory WX, Muell MR,  Summers K, Brown JL (2019). Phylogenomic reconstruction of the Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) and their conservation. Diversity. 11, 126. PDF


-50. French CM, Chavez GM, Brown JL (2019). Speciation with introgression: phylogeography and systematics of the Ameeregea petersi group (Familiy Dendrobatidiae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: 138, 31-42. PDF

-49. Paz A, Spanos Z, Brown JL, Lyra M, Haddad C, Rodrigues M, and Carolina AC (2018). Phylogeography of Atlantic Forest glassfrogs (Vitreorana): when geography, climate dynamics and rivers matter. Heredity: 545–557. PDF


-48. Brown JL, Hill DJ, Dolan MA, Carnaval AC, Haywood AM. (2018). PaleoClim, high spatial resolution paleoclimate surfaces for global land areas. Nature: Scientific Data: 5:180254. PDF

-47. Brown JL, Bennett JR, French CM (2017). SDMtoolbox 2.0: the next generation Python-based GIS toolkit for landscape genetic, biogeographic and species distribution model analyses. PeerJ PDF

-46. Vences M, Brown JL, Lathrop A, Gonçalo RM, Cameron A, Crottini A, Dolch R, Devin E, Freeman KLM, Glaw F, Grismer LL, Spartak L, Margaret MG, Maya M, Solofo JF,  Noël J, Nguyen TQ,  Ohler A, Randrianantoandro C, Raselimanana AP, van Leeuwen P, Wogan GOU, Ziegler T, Andreone F, Murphy RW (2017). Tracing a toad invasion: lack of mitochondrial DNA variation, haplotype origins, and potential distribution of introduced Duttaphrynus melanostictus in Madagascar. Amphibia-Reptilia 38: 197-207. PDF

-45. Wollenberg Valero KC, Garcia-Porta J, Rodríguez A, Arias M, Shah A, Randrianiaina RD, Brown JL, Glaw FG, Amat F, Künzel S, Metzler D, Isokpehi RD, Vences M (2017). Transcriptomic and macroevolutionary evidence for phenotypic uncoupling between frog life history phases. Nature Communications 8. PDF

-44. Prates I, Xue AT, Brown JL, Serrano DA, Rodrigues MT, Hickerson M, Carnaval AC (2016). Inferring responses to climate dynamics from historical demography in Neotropical forest lizards. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF

-43. Brown JL, Sillero N, Glaw F, Bora P, Vieites D, Vences M (2016).  Spatial biodiversity patterns of Madagascar's amphibians and reptiles.  PLos One- 11 (1):1–26 PDF

-42. Saiter FZ, Brown JL, Thomas WW, Carnaval AC (2016). Environmental correlates of floristic regions and plant turnover in the Atlantic Forest hotspot. Journal of Biogeography 6:1–10 PDF


-41. Brown JL, Weber JJ, Alvarado-Serrano D, Hickerson MJ, Franks SJ, Carnaval AC (2016).  Predicting the genetic consequences of future climate change: the power of coupling spatial demography, the coalescent, and historical landscape changes. The American Journal of Botany 103 (1):1–11 PDF


-40. Jarvis, LE, Angulo A, Catenazzi A, von May R, Brown JL, Lehr E, Lewis J (2015).  A re-assessment of priority amphibian species of Peru. Tropical Conservation Science 8 (3): 623–624 PDF


-39. Pabijan M, Brown JL, Chan L, Rakotondravony H, Raselimanana AP, Yoder AD, Glaw F, Vences M (2015). Phylogeography of the arid-adapted Malagasy bullfrog, Laliostoma labrosum, influenced by past connectivity and habitat stability. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution PDF


-38. Brown JL, Yoder AD (2015). Shifting ranges and conservation challenges for lemurs in the face of climate  change. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1418 PDF  Highlighted in Science 347: 1434 PDF


-37. Blair C, Noonan BP, Brown JL, Raselimanana A, Vences M, Yoder AD (2015). Multilocus phylogenetic and  geospatial analyses illuminate diversification patterns and the biogeographic history of Malagasy endemic plated lizards (Gerrhosauridae: Zonosaurinae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12586 PDF


-36. Brown JL, Cameron A, Yoder AD, Vences M (2014). A necessarily complex model to explain the biogeography of the amphibians and reptiles of Madagascar. Nature Communications 10:5 PDF


-35. Jenkins RKB, Tognelli MF, Bowles P, Cox N, Brown JL, Chan L, Andreone F, Andriamazava A et al. (2014). Extinction Risks and the Conservation of Madagascar’s Reptiles. PloS One 9(8): e100173 PDF

-34. Brown JL (2014). SDMtoolbox: a python-based GIS toolkit for landscape genetic, biogeographic and species distribution model analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution PDF,


-33. Barrett MA, Brown JL, Yoder AD (2013). Protection for trade of precious rosewood.  Nature 499: 29 PDF


-32. Gehara MC, Summers K, Brown JL (2013). Population expansion, isolation and selection: novel insights on the evolution of color diversity in the strawberry poison frog. Evolutionary Ecology 27: 797–824 PDF


-31. Brown JL (2013). Neotropical poison frogs: Evolution’s guide to parenting, fashion and communication in a dynamic world. Evolutionary Ecology 27:655–659 PDF


-30. Twomey E, Yeager J, Brown JL, Morales V, Cummings M, Summers K (2013). Phenotypic and genetic divergence among poison frog populations in a mimetic radiation. PloS One 8(2): e55443 PDF

-29. Brown JL (2013). The evolution of parental care, aposematism and color diversity in Neotropical poison frogs. Evolutionary Ecology 27:825–829 PDF


-28. Barrett MA, Brown JL, Junge RE, Yoder AD (2013). Effects of environmental change on lemur health in Madagascar: Predictive modeling of lemur parasites to inform conservation and public health planning. Biological Conservation 157: 409–422 PDF


-27. Brown JL, Knowles LL (2012). Spatially explicit models of dynamic histories: examination of the genetic consequences of Pleistocene glaciation and recent climate change on the American Pika. Molecular Ecology 21 (15): 3757‐75. PDF


-26. Crottini A, Brown JL, Mercurio V, Glaw F, Vences M, Andreone F (2012). The phylogeography of the poison frog Mantella viridis Pintak & Böhme, 1988 (Amphibia: Mantellidae) reveals chromatic and genetic differentiation across ecotones in northern Madagascar. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 50(4): 305–314 PDF


-25. Yeager J, Brown JL, Morales V, Cummings M, Summers K (2012). Testing for selection on color and pattern in a mimetic radiation. Current Zoology 58(4): 668–676 PDF


-24. Brown JL, Twomey E, Amézquita A, Barbosa de Souza M, Caldwell JP, Lötters S, von May R, Melo-Sampaio PR, Mejía-Vargas D, Perez-Peña P, Pepper M, Poelman EH, Sanchez-Rodriguez M, Summers K (2011). A Taxonomic Revision of the Neotropical Poison Frog Genus Ranitomeya (Amphibia: Dendrobatidae). Zootaxa 3083:1–120. PDF


-23. Chan L, Brown JL, Yoder AD (2011).  Integrating statistical genetic and geospatial methods brings new power to phylogeography.  Invited Review for Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 59:2, 523–537. PDF


-22. Barrett MA, Brown JL, Morikawa M, Labat JL, Yoder AD (2010).  Modeling the effects of illicit rosewood logging in Madagascar: A call for CITES designation. Science 328: 1109–1110. PDF & Supplimental Materials


-21. Perez-Peña P, Chavez G, Twomey EM, Brown JL (2010). Two new species of Ranitomeya (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from eastern Amazonian Peru. Zootaxa 2439: 1–23. PDF


-20. Brown JL, Maan M, Cummings M, Summers K (2010).  Selection on Color in Panamanian Poison Frogs: a Coalescent Approach.  Journal of Biogeography 37: 891–901. PDF


-19. Brown JL, Morales V, Summers K (2010). A key ecological trait drove the evolution of evolution of biparental care and monogamy in amphibian. The American Naturalist 175: 436–446. PDF & Appendix Highlighted in Nature 464: 990–991 PDF


-18. Twomey EM & Brown JL (2009). Another species of Ranitomeya (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from Amazonian. Zootaxa 2302: 48–60 PDF


-17. Brown JL, Chouteau M, Glenn T, Summers K (2009). The development and analyses of twenty-one microsatellite loci for three species of Amazonian poison frogs.  Conservation Genetic Resources 1: 1877–7252 PDF


-16. Brown JL & Twomey EM (2009).  Complicated histories:  three new species of poison frogs of the genus Ameerega (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from north-central Peru.  Zootaxa 2049: 1–38 PDF


-15. Brown JL, Morales V, Summers K (2009). Home range size and location in relation to reproductive resources in poison frogs: a Monte Carlo approach using GIS data. Animal Behaviour 77 (2009): 547–554. PDF


-14. Brown JL, Morales V, Summers K (2009). An experimental demonstration of tactical parasitism of conspecific reproduction via larval cannibalism in Peruvian poison frogs.  Biology Letters 5:148–153 . PDF


-13. Brown JL, Morales V, Summers  K (2008).  The evolution of parental care, habitat selection and larval life history in Peruvian poison frogs.  Journal of Evolutionary Biology  21(6):  1534–1543. PDF


-12. von May R, Catenazzi A, Angulo A, Brown JL, Carrillo J, Chávez G, Córdova JH, Curo A, Delgado A, Enciso MA, Gutiérrez R, Lehr E,  Martínez JL, Medina-Müller M, Miranda A, Neira DR, Ochoa JA, Quiroz AJ, Rodríguez DA, Rodríguez LO, Salas AW, Seimon T, Seimon A, Siu-Ting K, Suárez J, Torres J, Twomey E (2008).  Current state of conservation knowledge of threatened amphibian species in Peru.  Tropical Conservation Science 1(4):376–396. PDF


-11. Brown JL, Twomey EM, Pepper M, Sanchez-Rodriguez M (2008).   Revision of the Ranitomeya fantastica species complex with description of two new species from Central Peru (Anura: Dendrobatidae).  Zootaxa 1823: 1–24. PDF


-10. Twomey EM & Brown JL (2008).  A partial revision of the Ameerega hahneli complex and a new cryptic species from the East- Andean versant of Central Peru. Zootaxa 1757:49–65. PDF


-9. Brown JL, Twomey EM, Morales V, Summers K (2008).  Phytotelm size in relation to parental care and mating strategies in two species of Peruvian poison frogs. Behaviour 145, 1139–1165. PDF


-8. Twomey EM & Brown JL (2008). Spotted poison frogs: rediscovery of a lost species and new genus (Anura: Dendrobatiade) from Northwestern Peru. Herpetologica 64 (1) 121–137. PDF

-7. Roberts JL, Brown JL, Von May R, Schulte R, Summers K (2007). Phylogenetic relationships among  members of the genus Dendrobates: A molecular perspective.  Herpetological Journal 16 (4):377–385. PDF

-6. Roberts JL, Brown JL, Schulte R, Arizabal W, Summers K (2007). Rapid diversification of colouration among populations of a poison frog isolated on sky peninsulas in the Central Cordillera of Peru. Journal of Biogeography 34(3): 417–426 PDF


-5. Roberts JL, Brown JL, Schulte R, Arizabal W, Summers K (2006). Genetic divergence and speciation in lowland and montane Peruvian poison frogs.  Journal of Molecular Phylogentics and Evolution 41(1):149–164. PDF

-4. Brown JL, Schulte R, Summers K (2006). A new species of Dendrobates (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from the Amazonian Lowlands in Peru.  Zootaxa 1152: 45–58  PDF

-3. Twomey EM & Brown JL (2005) Range extension: Cochranella respendens. Herpetological Review, 1 page.

-2. Brown JL & Vaughan AL (2003) Species note: Arboreal Celestus. A field observation. Herpetological Review, 1 page. PDF

-1. Wisenden BD, Vollbrecht KA, Brown JL (2002). Is there a fish alarm cue? Affirming evidence from the wild study.  Animal Behavior, February 2004. Vol 67/1 pp 59–67 PDF

Other Publications

-Brown JL (2016). A loyal frog changes its stripes- and spots (photograph). National Geographic Magazine. April 2016.


-Brown JL (2015). The facts about the toxicity of poison dart frogs in captivity. Understory Enterprises (online and print) (not refereed)


-Brown JL et. al. (2016). Species accounts on: Ranitomeya imitator, R. uakarii, R. fantastica, R. summersi, R. benedicta, R. flavovittata, R. sirensis, Excidobates mysteriosus, E. captivus, Ameerega altamazonica, A. basslerii, A. pepperi, A. yoshina, A. cainarachi and A. ignipedis. In the book: Aposematic Poison Frogs (Dendrobatidae) of the Andean Countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.  Conservation International Tropical Field Guide Series, Conservation International, Arlington, VA, USA. 588pp.


-Pepper MP, Twomey E, Brown JL (2007). The smuggling crisis. Leaf Litter Magazine.  Tree Walkers International. Spring 2007 Vol. 1.1 pp 5–7 (not refereed) PDF


-Brown JL (2007).  Peru’s Tiny Gem (photograph).  National Geographic Magazine. April 2007. PDF6.2.

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